Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hiking with wolves

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." 
-John 8:7

This account of Jesus forgiving and forsaking an adulterer has been on my mind this past week. I try to remember not to judge others, and see everyone as children of God, who needs the Gospel. Keep in mind that no one is perfect (except for Jesus Christ.) Christ could have thrown the first stone, he was without blemish or sin. But still, he grants us mercy and allows us to access his atonement and grace. I try to apply and teach to "look inward before you judge outwardly." I recently started using a "metaphorical" rock in my lessons, where I hand someone a rock and tell them to "cast the first stone" whenever they are being judgmental. Harsh I know, and yes it is very passive aggressive haha!

Last P-Day we had a wonderful time on a hike... WITH WOLVES!  We went hiking with a pack of wolves and dogs.  One wolf was a K-9 wolf hybrid, another a coyote/ K-9/ wolf hybrid, a few dogs, and a FULL blooded wolf. The full blooded wolf's name is BewareWolf, I may have talked about him a while back. Our "wolf hike" was such an adventure; It was great being "one with nature" and a part of the pack haha! Not many people can say they've hiked with a wolf! 

Elder Edward and I have been working diligently to get people back on track and back on the straight and narrow. We've seen miracles... for example one of our investigators is now recommitted to hear from us, we've also been receiving more referrals from members giving us even more people to teach!  We have been working hard contacting anyone we meet, and asking them if they know anyone who might need the slightest bit of help. I feel this is the least I can do for the Silver City area before my eventual departure, so I can leave it in good hands with plenty of people to teach. I literally count the days until transfer calls, and I'm nervous to be leaving the place that has been apart of 1/4 of my mission! I can't believe it will be 6 months on the 15th, and yet I still feel that I haven't done enough! 

As I've had time to contemplate my success here, I have also come to realize the faults and fears I have as a missionary. For example, I find myself hesitating to quote the Book of Mormon too much. I feel that I might, as a representative of our church, put a bad taste in someone's mouth by trying to influence and quote from our sacred scripture. I think others will not consider my words as legitimate if I use the Book of Mormon verses using the Bible. There are many fears I have as a missionary, (don't get me started) but I love the quote in Mormon 9:31 which says, "Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been." This scripture shows us how others can learn of our wrongful actions. So don't be like me, testify of the goodness of the Book of Mormon, its truthfulness and blessings it brings to us, and I promise to do a better job of it as well. 

As I was reading through my old copy of... guess what... The Book of Mormon study (do you see a theme here?), I found a quotation I wrote in my book. I wrote to remind myself to "likened the scriptures" unto myself. I wrote "compare and contrast the original verses in 2 Nephi 4:20 to my version. Correlate the words to your life; Laman and Lemuel had done sin on their trek to the America's. Don't we sin as well in our Wilderness? Being led astray and off yonder to roam uncharted seas?" 

Here's my take on the verse. 

"My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the world; and he hath preserved me upon the sins of my past."

Thanks for all of your letters, your advise, and love.  I know I'm not the greatest in replying to your letters, but I'm working on it.  

Love, Elder West

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