Monday, August 27, 2018

Aug 13th - Always follow the little Mexican boy

Cool scripture and quote I like this week.
"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder." - 1 Nephi 17:45

"Determined to walk in his own way, the natural man often persists to the point where he is "past feeling," having been sedated by pleasing the carnal mind. Sadly, like the drug addict, he is always in need of a fresh fix."  -Neal A. Maxwell 

I'll quickly write about this super cool miracle we had the other day. Elder Brown and I were out trying to contact people... as always. This little Mexican boy comes riding by on his scooter saying "hola, hola," and whatnot.  We really couldn't understanding him. It was cute, but we continued to tract further and knock on more homes, but he rides up to us again, circling and saying, "hola" with a smile. He is more persistent the second time and catches our attention by trying to throw out some other Spanish words that I couldn't translate (I left my seer stone at home). But he continues to point down the street for some reason and then starts riding off.  So Elder Brown and I look at each other, kinda' confused, not knowing what he is saying, but we felt prompted to follow him down the road. As we are walking down the street he continues to look back at us every ten yards or so to make sure we are still following him. Eventually we get to what we supposed to be his house. On the the front porch we find his mother, three sisters and now the little Mexican boy staring at us. They ask us if we speak Spanish, and in my "Gringo" awesome Spanish, I tell them "no hablo espanol".  Luckily one of the daughters spoke some English. The first thing she asks is "What time does your church start?"  So obviously we do what any good missionaries would do... call the Spanish Sisters to come by and teach these people! We haven't heard from the Hermanas yet, but that was such a miracle that came by surprise. Lesson learned,,,ALWAYS follow the Little Mexican Boy. :)

In our YSA Ward we are going to have a baptism next week, and we are real excited. Kobe has been so prepared, I feel like I haven't had to do any work. We have a great teaching pool and expect another baptism for the first of November. The college campus is starting to fill up with students and we are getting more and more people at church. Pray for us!

Thanks for all your love, prayers, and emails!  I promise I read them, but I'm not always great at responding, so please forgive me.  But I love them!

Elder West

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