- Alma 12:6
The one thing I've been reminded of (too often than not) is that Satan "desireth" to have us; to chain us down, and keep us from the truth. He wants to shut our eyes from the light, and see not what God sees in us. Lucifer was a liar from the beginning, and lies to us today. He uses vanity and deceit, trying to prove his hand in the world, to capture souls to be miserable like him. The way of a liar is to turn that which is good and pure, into a half truth, something far from righteousness. My favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon is 2 Nephi 1:23; which points to how we can escape the chains Lucifer uses to keep us to the world.
"Awake, my sons; put on the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust."
Basically, just do it! We need to armor ourselves with good works, with the truth of the gospel, and be firm in our testimonies. So when the devil comes for us, we can rely on God, the greatest of all, to shake him loose. We have to keep our eyes open to the Lord's ways, and rise above our mortality. In the end, Satan is really nothing...
"They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and shall consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?" - 2 Nephi 24:16
When we are fully aware of Satan and his "power", we will be surprised as to how he got such a great hold of us?! He has no body, he knows not all of the intentions of God, and His ways. We know this, and should take hold of that which is greater, and brings lasting happiness... which is the Gospel. Remember your God, and His son. For he has descended further below than any of us, and put upon his shoulders much more than any of us can bear.
We become stronger and able to break the chains of Satan when we are humble, and when we are firm in our testimony, if we just give up ourselves to God who has created us. I've come to see this time and time again as I have felt inadequate. But still, I glory God for making known unto me what I can work on. All of us are a work in progress in God's eyes.
Sorry, not much to tell about my new area or the work. It continues to be a struggle and challenge for us, but we keep pressing on. I get a new companion in 10 days and I'm excited to lead the work here and find someone who is seeking the truth. Until next week.
Love, Elder West
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