Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Doin Work

These past few weeks have been AMAZING!  We've had so much going on that it's hard to keep up with it all. I've had the chance to help out with the "Tour de Gila" bike race. I guess it's a big deal; Lance Armstrong used to come to it. A lot of bikers from around the world participate and it draws a good crowd.

We were given a responsibility at the race, and MY job was to be a "neutral feed zone" where any cyclists could grab our bottles of water. We had to hold it a certain way, and try to keep up with individual cyclists as they sped by, and even try and reach big groups or "packs" of riders; like 50 cyclists at a time.  It was a lot of fun! 

Also, we had our baptisms for our kiddos out in Mimbres. They were so funny during the baptism. While we were baptizing one of the brothers, the other two were in the water sitting on the stairs next to the font.  (haha) They were awesome!. Hopefully it'll be an experience they never forget, because I know I'll never forget it! 

Something else that happened, I got a phone call from this old rancher brother (member) by the name McDonald (yes he is old and a McDonald, haha), and he asked us to help him out on his ranch. My responsibility was to hold down the calves (baby cows) while old McDonald rancher cowboy man, branded the calf, castrated the poor critter, and then cut some of their ears. At the end of it all, I was covered in blood, sweaty, and very tired. But it was so much fun. Quick side note, the smell of cow hair and skin being burned is not pleasant. That's also something that I won't ever forget. And I'm convinced that branding cows must be the manliest thing you can do. And boy do those little critters have some muscle! 

For the month of May, our Zone is having a friendly competition. We are trying to reach a goal of 70 new investigators this month. The district in the zone who contributes the most new investigators will get a pizza party. So far the Silver Surfers (my district) are kicking butt!! But of course we do. Even though we have the smallest district in total area ratio to the other district's in the Zone; the Lord is truly putting people in our way to hear the gospel. It's so awesome.

I've had a strange time lately out here. I'm not home sick. I feel Iike there's no one or nothing for me out-side of the mission. Of course I have my family and friends that have been there for me, through the thick and thin. Other than that, I really don't have "things" to miss. It's kinda bittersweet. I want to look forward to something coming home, but for now I'm just caught up in my service and loving missionary life. So I'll just keep focusing on my work.  

I know I'm not the best at emailing, or writing letters, so everyone please give me some slack. And if anyone emails me, I'll do my best to respond. And I really do love getting your emails, they motivate me and help me through the tough times. So thanks for all of your letters! Anyways, I'll keep ya'll updated.

Love, Elder West

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