Monday, November 27, 2017

I'm a father!

My time with Elder Bradfield has come to a close, and I am now the proud parent to Elder Remus! He is straight from the MTC, he was born and raised in Columbia, Missouri. Both of us are working great together so far, and there are only good things to come!

One profound experience that we had this week was while we were tracking in the late hours of the day. If you don't know this already, Arizona does not have day light savings time... so that means it gets dark earlier now, by about 6 or 6:30. As you can imagine, it’s not ideal for us to contact people in the dark, but we try it anyways. Elder Remus and I thought we should get out of the car and walk the streets in one of our areas and knock on some potential investigator doors and stop by a few less active members. We began walking from house to house, trying to make sure we are spiritually in-tune for any promptings we may have along the way. We met one lady who was very nice, so try to see if our discussions go anywhere, but it was getting late and we needed to begin walking back to our car before it got too dark.  As we are walking back, we start reminiscing about handing out a Book of Mormon earlier and other jolly fun things we did. We pass by this house and I look inside the window and see a lady in front of her computer on the phone. I want to talk to her, but immediately I think of a million reasons why we shouldn't...its getting late, its dark, she's busy because she's on the phone, etc. etc. so we keep walking. About a minute later I feel a strong impression that we should turn around and knock on her door, so we head back. We walk up to her door and knock. She hangs up the phone, leaves her computer, stops everything she is doing, and greets us warmly at the front door. Now I need to point out, that this is extremely out-of-the-ordinary for this area, we never get a warm welcome, especially so quickly. She invites us into her home, which is also very odd; I have only been invited inside a home after a first contact once before, during my entire mission. She then asked if WE had any questions for her. Both of us are kinda dumb founded at this point, as we are usually the ones asking all of the questions. She then proceeds to tell us how her daughter used to take the missionary discussions and she even invited the missionaries over for dinner in the past. Wow, now she is super nice! We talk a bit, she asks US for OUR phone number, (another first) so she can have us over for dinner sometime. Amazing experience for us, especially for Elder Remus, being in his first area, and an awesome way to end a long day of contacting! Honestly, that was the best cold contact I've ever had, thank goodness this is God's work and not mine. If this were my work, it would be impossible to get anything done… haha.

One "fun" experience I had today during P-day was while playing soccer. It's in a small turf field in the middle of an apartment complex that we visit periodically... and it so happens, that soccer balls and glass don't really mesh together very well (go figure). Yes, I broke someone's window. Luckily the lady was very nice, apparently it has happened to her before (I don't know if that is a bad thing or a good thing). I spoke with the apartment manager about how I will be paying for it, so it's all good for now. They were very surprised that I fessed up, they told me that most of the time when this happens no one claims responsibility. Oh well, such is life.

I hope everyone has a good rest of their week, and remember to be thankful for all that we enjoy. 

Love you all! 

Love, Elder West

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Few thoughts...

Changes are in store for Oro Valley!  We spent most of our P-day running around visiting members and contacts Elder Bradfield wanted to see before he leaves.  His time is up and he is very ready to go home.  I look forward to my new companion and helping to lead the work in this area.  I've been frustrated with the lack of a teaching pool and investigators; which has not been very large since I arrived in Oro Valley.  I think things need to change and I'm ready to tackle them! 

- D&C 6:33,34,36 -
"Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.

Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.

Look unto me in every thought; doubt not fear not."

I know that if I work hard, have the faith and desire to improve the work in Oro Valley the Lord will bless us and help us find those who are seeking the truth. I am hopeful with the right changes and my new companion the Lord will help us prevail. We must not fear our beliefs or the challenges we face. Yes, there are many adversaries out there trying to diminish our faith and trust in God. We cannot fear, because fear is contrary to faith. If we have complete trust in our Father in Heaven, we can trust us with his blessings. Then, we may reap the blessings after the trial of our faith. More often than not, we have to show ourselves as willing disciples, then we gain that reward we are promised. As we are patient and long suffering with Him, we are truly following God's command to all of us... to endure to the end.

- Philipians 2:12 -
"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

As we are working to endure to the end, we need to remember that is not only important to be righteous when others are watching, but we need to be on our game 24/7.  We must always remember, God is watching and looking out for us.

Love you all!

Elder West

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Break the Chains

"And behold I say unto you all that this was a snare (Satan's plan of control) of the adversary, which he has laid to catch this people, that he might bring you into subjection unto him, that he might encircle you about with his chains, that he might chain you down to everlasting destruction, according to hte power of his captivity."
- Alma 12:6

The one thing I've been reminded of (too often than not) is that Satan "desireth" to have us; to chain us down, and keep us from the truth. He wants to shut our eyes from the light, and see not what God sees in us. Lucifer was a liar from the beginning, and lies to us today. He uses vanity and deceit, trying to prove his hand in the world, to capture souls to be miserable like him. The way of a liar is to turn that which is good and pure, into a half truth, something far from righteousness. My favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon is 2 Nephi 1:23; which points to how we can escape the chains Lucifer uses to keep us to the world.

"Awake, my sons; put on the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust."

Basically, just do it! We need to armor ourselves with good works, with the truth of the gospel, and be firm in our testimonies. So when the devil comes for us, we can rely on God, the greatest of all, to shake him loose. We have to keep our eyes open to the Lord's ways, and rise above our mortality. In the end, Satan is really nothing... 
"They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and shall consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?" - 2 Nephi 24:16

When we are fully aware of Satan and his "power", we will be surprised as to how he got such a great hold of us?! He has no body, he knows not all of the intentions of God, and His ways. We know this, and should take hold of that which is greater, and brings lasting happiness... which is the Gospel. Remember your God, and His son. For he has descended further below than any of us, and put upon his shoulders much more than any of us can bear.

We become stronger and able to break the chains of Satan when we are humble, and when we are firm in our testimony, if we just give up ourselves to God who has created us. I've come to see this time and time again as I have felt inadequate.  But still, I glory God for making known unto me what I can work on. All of us are a work in progress in God's eyes.

Sorry, not much to tell about my new area or the work.  It continues to be a struggle and challenge for us, but we keep pressing on.  I get a new companion in 10 days and I'm excited to lead the work here and find someone who is seeking the truth.  Until next week.

Love, Elder West